Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday 21 October 2012
This has been a great week.  We are feeling more confident all the time with the tours and have been able to meet with some wonderful groups.  They are all so eager to learn about the history of Kirtland and the strengthening of the church in this area.  It is special to bear testimony of the events that ocurred in this area.  On Thursday we walked up to the Kirtland Temple and were able to go on tour with a gentleman of the Church of Christ.  Some of the couple missionaries had dinner with him on Tuesday and so we sort of requested him to be our guide.  He might be a member of that church but he knows the history of the Mormon Church and bore quite a strong testimony of authority, temples and leadership.  When we came out of the temple, it was raining elephants, too heavy for cats and dogs.  No Umbrellas!!  Three young girls in the tour group offered to bring us home, so after running in the rain to get to their car, we came home rather wet. 
Friday we were alone at the Morley Farm for tours all day.  We were able to do 5 tours.  One group was three sisters, two of which had served as missionary companions in Chile 38 years ago.  The one did not understand English so we spoke a phrase at a time and they translated for her.  It was a spiritual experience and so special.  Today in conference they were there and made sure we saw them and said hi to them.

This is a picture of what we call the Kirtland Sacred Grove.  It is the possible site of the Morley school house where several revelations were given.  As we tell of those happenings you can really feel of the spirit.  It is especially beautiful now with the leaves. 
Friday evening the senior missionaries, the FM group and others from the Mission Office all went to an Amish Dinner with the Joe Miller Family.  They cleared out their work shop, spread out tables and served us all there.  (40 of us).  What a feast... mashed potatoes and gravy, cole slaw, creamed peas, carrots, beef and chicken and warm home made bread and jam.  Then came the good stuff, pies of any variety and a real cream and chocolate cake pudding.  YUMMMYY!!!  They were so gracious and told us about their way of life and sang songs for us. The whole family worked together in preparing, serving and cleaning up. Was fun to watch them as they worked. Joe and his wife are 70 years old celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.  He had a brain tumor and an aneurism which was corrected with surgery and then had a massive stroke and was completely paralized on his left side.  With much therapy and work he has come back and you could never tell.  He has a window making business and works every day.  Was a great Evening!!
Saturday evening was stake conference with Elder Ellis of the council of the 70 and then again today.  He is such a good speaker and we were taught much, things to help us be better as families, and come closer to our Father in Heaven.  We then rushed to the Visitor's Center and were able to do a tour.  Each group are so special and we really enjoy visiting and telling them of the history and then bearing testimony.  So spiritual, such a special thing to be involved in.  The Gospel is true and Heavenly Father blesses us so richly if we but allow Him to do so. 

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