Sunday, November 25, 2012

Well, things just keep rolling along and we seem to keep busy.  Monday we were at the Kirtland Elementary.  We have been assigned each a third grader to help with reading.  Cute boys and it is fun to be there.  That evening we attended an Empty Nesters/Singles FHE at Chardon.  They have a potluck dinner and lesson once a month.  Dinner was good and it was fun getting to know them better. Thanksgiving was great.  All of the couples of the mission came to the center for Dinner, games and movies.  The sisters joined us after their dinner appointments.  Lots and lots of great food and good friends.  I made pies in the morning and then went down about 1.  By 8 that evening we were tired so came home.  Friday was our big opening for the nativity and the lighting ceremony.  It was one wild day and we were kept hopping.  Lots and lots of people and excitement.  One of the big nativities was brought in by an artist of the area and he did all of the set up, took him about 7 hours.  Below is a picture of him in the beginning and another of the final.  A definitely beautiful setting.

The one big room upstairs if full of nativities.  Below is picture of most of the room and then some of the individual nativities.

This is a full wall display of all the different aspects of the Savior's Life. In the middle is the last supper, one side is the crucifixtion with the crown of thorns, empty tomb, etc. The other has to do with the birth with the gold, frankincense and myrrh. swaddling cloth, cradle....
Out in the little school house there is a big display of international nativities.  Below is a sample...

The BIG news this week is that we got our first transfer.  We are moving about the 10th of December to Garrettsville and will be working at the John Johnson Farm in Hiram.  We will be working with one other couple so it will be trading with each other, working the schedule between us.  Of course there is not too much happening during the next few months so that should work okay.  We will be learning and testifying of different things so we have more to learn.  Everyone that has worked out there say it is their favorite place so we are looking forward to that.  It is a much more rural area.  We will also be assigned to the Rootstown Ward.  They love the senior missionaries and want us to help them lots so that will be fun to work with them and help them to build the ward. It will be a bit more traveling in the car because our apt is 5 miles away and the ward about 30-45 minutes away.
Each week has new adventures and excitement and we love it.  We had three couples and Elder Crowley, a young elder with the PM group, over for dinner last night in our little apt.  We ate and visited for almost 4 hours.  Sometimes we were laughing, other times, crying and other times crying because we were laughing so hard.  FUN!!!

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