Monday, July 15, 2013

This has been one wild week. First of all on Wednesday we had two tornado warnings. We were giving a tour to a young couple and so didn't want to go up stairs. We just visited in the lower part of the home and watched and waited. A companionship of sisters were out and about and stopped in to get out of the weather. Also a young mother with her three little kids came in. Guess the tornados went just to the north and east of us but boy did we ever have the wind and rain. The rain gauge out on the fence holds six inches and it was overflowing. Lasted for a couple of hours before anyone wanted to leave and then I guess roads in all directions were rivers. In town the river had flooded the main intersection and was up to the hoods on the cars in the car lot. Wow!!! We also have had a very busy week with lots of visitors and bus tours. One very special group was high school seniors on a church history tour. They were in Sunday dress and each had their scriptures and journals. After a very spiritual tour they each found a shady spot and were reading their scriptures and writing in their journals. They then gathered and sang in front of the Home and when the bus started up no one wanted to leave. Truly a group of very special young people. A lot of families have visited on their way to the Hill Cumorah pageant so it has been busy. Really has kept us busy at times but that sure made the week go by in a hurry. We are excited for the safe arrival of little Annie. On one of the tours I had there was a little five month old baby. She kept talking to me, cooing and laughing. I finally told her she was making it hard for me because she was so cute and wish I could hold her. I then told them about Annie so it was fun. Special people.

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