One day as we were leaving the Johnson Home the sun was just setting in the west but off to the east this is what we saw. Truly amazing!
The Holtrys invited us to go to the temple with them down to Columbus so they came down from Kirtland and picked us up. It is almost a three hour drive from here. We made it in good time, got in the temple ready for our session and it was the old film. We had hoped to see the new film but were just glad to be able to be in the temple. One of the special features of this temple are the Nauvoo Windows which are not really windows but mirrors. They were hand made by a dentist. When he came to put them in he had been given the wrong measurements so had to make a second set of the windows. They are truly beautiful. Of course they are inside and we couldn't take pictures but it was special to see them.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
One sunny day we decided to do a covered bridge tour before all of the leaves were gone so took off early in the morning, drove 172 miles, saw 12 covered bridges and lots of new country. Was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed it. Only trouble was we ran out of time and so had to hurry back to be at the home to serve at 2 o'clock that afternoon. Had to hurry and change, pick up something for lunch, but we made it. Good thing we went then because it rained with lots of wind the next day.
We have had some visitors since my last post. Marlene came from meetings in Detroit and it was so good to be able to share Kirtland things with her and just visit. Also the Casutts stopped by as they were released from their mission on their way to visit with Stephanie's family.
Us in Kirtland's
Sacred Grove
Casutts at
Lake Erie
Sacred Grove
Casutts at
Lake Erie
Thursday, October 3, 2013
We have had some really special times at the Home the last while. Some great families have come in and it is surprising the ties that we can make. One that was special was a couple that had served at the Johnson Home just prior to the restoration and so they could tell us a lot about the home, the condition it was in and some of the things that were done to restore it. He wanted to share and we loved hearing all about it.
The leaves are starting to turn and it is amazing the difference a few days will make. This is one of the trees at the Johnson Home.
The leaves are starting to turn and it is amazing the difference a few days will make. This is one of the trees at the Johnson Home.
This is a picture of a huge harvester in the soy bean field.
We had Lynn and Calleen come for a visit and we loved the company. It was soo good to have them here and hopefully we didn't bore them with having to show and tell them everything. We did all of the Historic Kirtland things and some Amish. Almost lost Calleen in the End of the Commons Store. It was truly a fun time. Thanks you two for the visit.
As we were driving around today we found this interesting creature. You would think that Halloween is coming soon. He is BIG! and a bit scary..
They have a great walking trail here in Garrettsville. It is an old railroad bed and goes
for miles. Well groomed, shady most of the way and a great walk.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Well, this has been a long dry spell. It is so frustrating when the computer isn't as smart as you think it ought to be and won't do what you want it to do. We are still having troubles but hopefully things will get better. We finally broke down and purchased a lap top so we can use it part of the time. We have been really slow at the Johnson Home this month, glad when we can get 2-4 tours on our shift. There have been no big groups, mostly couples, so numbers don't add up very fast.
We traveled to Youngstown one p-day and visited a historic mill, did a bit of hiking, crossed a suspension bridge and walked through some awesome gardens.
We traveled to Youngstown one p-day and visited a historic mill, did a bit of hiking, crossed a suspension bridge and walked through some awesome gardens.
We have had a special mission tour with Elder Bowen of the Seventy. It was a super good meeting, just a bit hard to sit for 4 1/2 hours. Lots of good advice, encouragement and suggestions on how to make things grow in our mission as we meet and teach.
We also had a corn roast at the home of Bill and Shirley Mars for our Singles activity this month. Only two singles showed up but boy did we have a feast. Yummy corn, hot dogs and great company.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
This is a trial and hopefully we have things working so we can get back on track with this blog. Today was our P-day so we went to Akron to visit this house. It is the Stan Hywet House built in 1915. It belonged to the Goodyear Rubber inventor the Seiberling Family. Wow!!! it is over 65000 square feet with twenty three bathrooms, a swimming pool and even a full sized gym. There is about 70 acres of gardens. Truly a breathtaking place and we enjoyed it. Took the Nook and Cranny Tour and so really get into all of them. We also walked through the main home and out through the gardens. Was a fun day.
This is the rock quarry on the property that has filled with water surrounded by the beautiful gardens.
We keep having trouble with our desk top computer so purchased a new lap top and we are getting acquainted. So far it is working pretty good but it is taking some getting used to. If this works I will do some catching up.
This is the rock quarry on the property that has filled with water surrounded by the beautiful gardens.
We keep having trouble with our desk top computer so purchased a new lap top and we are getting acquainted. So far it is working pretty good but it is taking some getting used to. If this works I will do some catching up.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Well, we got lost. Yep! Lost! The RUUUTTTSTONROADRALLY happened on Saturday. We helped get things going and then took off with our set of directions. Got so involved getting the photo for extra points that we missed the first turn off so had to turn around and go back....lost time. Didn't do too bad after that, got our second set of instructions and off we went again. Well we also got turned around this time as well but ended up being first at the next check in point. Not sure if that was a good thing or not. Then things really got nasty. We went left instead of right for 5 miles, finally realized and turned around, took another wrong turn because it didn't match the instructions and so finally just set our GPS for the church and headed there. Well, upon arriving everyone else was sitting there eating sandwiches and not missing us at all. Guess they had decided that we had just headed home. Anyway, so much for that, however we still have the instructions and might try it again on our own. Got to see a lot of new country so it was a fun adventure. We had our singles activity for July. It was a river walk with John Ridinger to learn about some of the history of the Cuyahoga River and the settlement of Kent. Only trouble was that no singles turned up. It had rained hard all day so that discouraged some and not sure what else but the Wells' had a great personal tour and enjoyed it very much. We also took our P-day and went to Kirtland. The Petersons took us to Garfield's Home which is a national park. It was very interesting and quite the house. We learned quite a bit of history concerning that President of only 200 days. Most of the home was built after he died. This one picture is of his office, notice the big chair...he liked to sit side ways with his legs over the one side. Things are considerably slower here at the home but we still have some very special tours. It is amazing how many connections can be made with the people who come. They have been in our home town or know someone we know, etc. They all love the Johnson Home and we love sharing with them. We had our zone conference last week in Youngstown and it was really good. It is fun to be able to meet with the young missionaries and to be taught by them. The couples are usually the investigators and they teach us. So it is fun. President and Sister Vellinga are so good and it is always great to be taught by them. Transfers are coming up soon and it is hard to believe how fast time is flying by. We did get a new couple in Kirtland, the Walkers, who have moved into the Palmer's home and are assigned to the Cleveland 3rd ward. The Palmers were suddenly moved to Canton as MLS missionaries (member, leadership support). The couple that were serving there had an emergency at home and so Palmers were assigned to take their place. They will be able to come up on occasion and help at the Johnson Home so we will see them some times.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Several special things have happened during the past few days. One day Joseph Smith and his family came to visit. As you can imagine it caused quite a stir. It was a little family who are taking pictures to do a children's church history picture book. They were so good to pose for pictures for the visitors that were there and it was a fun day. I asked the little boy is he liked his picture taken and he told me yes and then told his dad that he would be famous someday. Cute family.
One day we visited the Hale Farm. It is a historical site where they have brought some of the old buildings from the area and restored them. It was a fun day and very interesting. The guides at the sites were fun to visit with and could give us lots of history. They did weaving, candle making, brooms, and even a working blacksmith. The man with the brooms recognized our badges and so took us over to the basement of the visitors center and showed us the safe that had belonged to Joseph Smith when he did the Safety Society.
On the way home we stopped at a produce shop and relaxed in the swing. Fun, Fun!
One day we visited the Hale Farm. It is a historical site where they have brought some of the old buildings from the area and restored them. It was a fun day and very interesting. The guides at the sites were fun to visit with and could give us lots of history. They did weaving, candle making, brooms, and even a working blacksmith. The man with the brooms recognized our badges and so took us over to the basement of the visitors center and showed us the safe that had belonged to Joseph Smith when he did the Safety Society.
On the way home we stopped at a produce shop and relaxed in the swing. Fun, Fun!
Monday, July 15, 2013
This has been one wild week. First of all on Wednesday we had two tornado warnings. We were giving a tour to a young couple and so didn't want to go up stairs. We just visited in the lower part of the home and watched and waited. A companionship of sisters were out and about and stopped in to get out of the weather. Also a young mother with her three little kids came in. Guess the tornados went just to the north and east of us but boy did we ever have the wind and rain. The rain gauge out on the fence holds six inches and it was overflowing. Lasted for a couple of hours before anyone wanted to leave and then I guess roads in all directions were rivers. In town the river had flooded the main intersection and was up to the hoods on the cars in the car lot. Wow!!!
We also have had a very busy week with lots of visitors and bus tours. One very special group was high school seniors on a church history tour. They were in Sunday dress and each had their scriptures and journals. After a very spiritual tour they each found a shady spot and were reading their scriptures and writing in their journals. They then gathered and sang in front of the Home and when the bus started up no one wanted to leave. Truly a group of very special young people. A lot of families have visited on their way to the Hill Cumorah pageant so it has been busy. Really has kept us busy at times but that sure made the week go by in a hurry.
We are excited for the safe arrival of little Annie. On one of the tours I had there was a little five month old baby. She kept talking to me, cooing and laughing. I finally told her she was making it hard for me because she was so cute and wish I could hold her. I then told them about Annie so it was fun. Special people.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
This was
sort of a regular week with seemingly not much going but ended up with several
special things. We were invited to a 4th
of July picnic with the Berryhill Family so we were able to celebrate
that. Lots and lots of great food and a
special family! We had some special
families visit. One family was on their
way to be in the Hill Cumorah Pageant and came here on their way. She made the comment that since the Johnson
Home was so far out and away from the main part of things that those choosing
to come here would make the sacrifice to do so.
We hadn’t thought of it that way but that is really what it is and so we
get some of the really special visitors that want to know and feel the spirit
of this home.
Hillman and Sister Stoddard are going home so Friday was their last tours at
the Johnson Home. They were sort of sad
but we had lots of tours for them so it was a good day. They truly are great sisters.
for our p-day we went down to Dover and Berlin after apartment
inspections. We visited the Warther
train museum and then went to the new Warther ship museum. It was really awesome so see the detail, all
of which was ivory. The one that does
the ships is a grandson of the one who did the trains and they truly are
talented and so willing to share that talent.
We also visited some Amish shops and then went to the Behalt Museum
which tells the history of the Amish and Mennonite and Huttites. They have a 10 ft by 265 ft mural circling the
room that tells the history and is very impressive. We left there and hurried back to the
Rootstown Chapel for a service project by the singles group. We cleaned the stoves and ovens in the
kitchen and what a job that was. Turned
out really good and we had lots of fun and laughs as we worked. Was a great day!!
This crazy
blog site gave me lots of troubles on Sunday so didn’t get this posted so here
goes again and hopefully it will work.
Monday we had the privilege of doing a tour for Sister Stephens who is
the 2nd counselor in the general RS board. I had her and 8 of her grandchildren and
another family of six and we were able to go through the home and had a grand
time. The kids were so good and were
right with me the whole time as I shared the stories and testimonies with
them. Dan had the older kids and the
adults and they had a great tour as well.
They thanked us again and again and we felt it turned out really
good. Was a special opportunity for us
and they were a great family, 31 of them.
That night
we traveled to Kirtland for a FHE with all of the couple missionaries. We had a great picnic. It was scheduled to be outside but the rain
said otherwise so we had an indoor picnic.
We then held a discussion afterwards of some of our concerns, successes
and the process of visitor’s centers.
Really a great evening.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Well, now let me tell you about
this week and what a week it was. As we
were finishing up tours on Sunday night, I suddenly became sick. By morning I was looking for a doctor and was
able to get into the TLC Clinic here in Garrettsville. I met the nicest doctor by the name of
Annette and was soon on medication.
Great now thing are looking up! Course
I had to go back by Friday and get my meds changed and again things are now
much better. Thank goodness our P-day
was Wednesday so that helped. Friday and Saturday mornings we had training
in Kirtland and so had to be on the road at 5:45 a.m. It was Melanie from the church missionary
department. She is in charge of visitor’s
centers and so was here training us on that.
We met for two hours each day and then hurried back to get the Home
opened and ready for visitors. It was
great training and she is such a fun person.
She also visited us at sites.
We were on afternoons and so served
from 2:30 -7:00. However didn’t get off
Friday night until after 7:30 so dad went directly to the booth on Main Street
for the Rotary. This was the big
community family weekend and there was lots going on for three days. He sat in the booth, hopefully to encourage
new members. Not too many nibbles but he
did his duty both Friday and Saturday from 8-10 p.m. They had lots and lots of booths, a carnival,
a tractor parade, fireworks and even another parade today. Last night we saw the coolest thing, Chinese
lanterns floating in the night sky. They
were so beautiful. It was really a big event for the community and lots and
lots of people. Oh, MY!
We had a bus tour of family members
from one of the Seventies one day and then another one came and went through
the home also. So two general authority
tours this week! Also there have been
lots of families so it has been a busy week with visitors. Today as we arrived at the Home there were four
cars there waiting for us to open the gates.
As we were opening the doors two more pulled in. It was a family that
was out here on a reunion, 37 of them.
They were really fun to visit with. I ended up taking 15 of the kids
along with a couple of adults and we did a kid tour while dad did the
adults. I think they both got the best
tour. I know I really had fun with the
kids and they were so good. They were
ages 13 – 4 but had been listening to the Doctrine and Covenants as they
traveled and were prepared to learn. It
gave the adults time to do the tour and feel the spirit without wondering if
the kids were misbehaving or not. Sooo
good! As they were finishing other cars
were pulling in and so we just kept rotating them through and ended up with 48
visitors (6 tours) on our shift with no sit down time. We were glad to see the Packers pull in so we
could go home.
It is really an opportunity to be
able to teach these young people as they come.
Many of them have had the lessons on the D&C this year as well as the
parents have taught them and so they truly come to learn and can feel of the
spirit. Hopefully being in the Johnson
Home and in the Revelation Room where these revelations and events happened
will help them to stay strong, and give them something to always remember.
It has been a fun week, an exciting
week and it truly has been a great week.
We love serving here in the Johnson Home. We meet so many special friends as they come
to visit. One couple today visited with
me for a long time as they were thinking about a mission and wanted to know how
we got where we were and all about our mission.
Of course I loved to share and they will keep in contact with us. That is the neat thing now; we can keep in
contact with visitors, both member and non member and help them to grow in the
Monday, June 24, 2013
Wouldn't you know it... the calendar said it was summer and so things began to get hot around here. I'm sure it will be more but for now we think it is hotter than it should be. We have hit 90 with high humidity so a bit uncomfortable but we are surviving. Love the AC and fans! We had a couple of special tours this week. One was the director of the Kirtland Temple Visitors Center and the interns that they have for the summer. It ended up that I did that one by myself as Dan was on another tour when they came and another came after we had started with them. They were very interested in the history of the Home, as well as the happenings here. We were able to tell them all of the special things and bear testimony of the sacred events that happened here. After all their history is our history up to this time. It was a great tour and I felt it was a very special opportunity to have them here. They are a special bunch of young people. We have met some of them in the temple and appreciate their service as they do tours through the Kirtland Temple and being able to share that with them. Then there was our BIG day. This was a day I had worried about for weeks. We had about 400 scheduled for Saturday morning. Both us and the Packers were there as well as three companionships of sisters and we were ready for them at 8 a.m. and here they came, in waves I might add. Three buses, then two and then another two and another one. One of those was unscheduled so sort of a surprise as well as couples and families that dared to venture in with all of those buses. We each took a group of about 20 through the Home, each rotating in and out. As we finished one group, there was another ready to go. In fact it was steady with no breaks from 8 until about 12:30. In the final tally for that morning we had had 511 visitors. So awesome! We had wondered how we would do it and Heavenly Father let us stew a bit and then He made it all work. Love those tender mercies!!
Last night was the special broadcast and it will be exciting to see all of that implemented into missionary work. All of us need to pick up the pace and the Lord's work will go forward. Looking ahead to a busy July, in fact we can't believe it almost July and we have been on our mission for 9 months. Tim
Last night was the special broadcast and it will be exciting to see all of that implemented into missionary work. All of us need to pick up the pace and the Lord's work will go forward. Looking ahead to a busy July, in fact we can't believe it almost July and we have been on our mission for 9 months. Tim
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Well, we made the BIG 50! This week was our anniversary so we went to lunch at the Welshfield Inn (very nice), visited the cheese factory and Emma's. Got some cheese, bread and an apple pie. Then it was off to work at the Johnson Home. Ended up being a very nice day and what a place to celebrate in, we enjoyed it all. Tuesday Shawn and Anita Sitterud came for a visit. We had arranged p-day so we could spend it with them. We toured the Home, Kirtland Village, Temple and Morley Farm. Also did lunch at our favorite Chinese place so it was a fun day. We enjoyed visiting with them and appreciate them taking the time to come. Another great day was when Darrin and Connie came for a visit Saturday morning. We visited a bit, had lunch and then did a tour for them at the Johnson home. Got hugs and again, appreciated the visit. Was great to see them and we wish them well in their new adventures in Pasco.
Have to tell you about one day of tours at the Home. We did nine all together that day but the ones I want to share are the three that I did myself. First one was a family with two little girls, one about 2 and the other 6 months. We had started the tour and the little one was crying so they took her out of her car seat and she was wet all the way up her back. So her daddy took her out to change her. He had just gone out the door and there the other little girl stood in a puddle on the kitchen floor. She had wet her pants so out she and her mother went. We had another tour right behind us so I stepped out and let them go on. When they came back I took them through the front door to be ahead of the other group. I knew it would have to be a quick one. The little girl was sooo cute and had to share her necklace, shoes, curly hair, etc., etc., with me. In fact she decided to stay with me when they were leaving. I finally talked her into going with her mother and waved good bye. The next group was a family with an older downs syndrone boy. In the third room he suddenly leaned on the one man and just slid down the wall, passed out. They said he sometimes does this. They insisted I go on with the others and the one man would stay with him. So I did after alerting Elder Wells of the situation. The sisters working with us offered to finish his tour so he could attend to the situation. The young man came to, but they had to help him walk out to the car. Guess all was well. Well, then the third group were from Argentina and the one man did not speak any English. I would say a phrase and the two women would translate so it took quite a while. It was a good tour just a bit tedious and long. All the time I had either the sisters or Dan behind or in front of me with tours. Not sure how I ended up with these. They were good tours, just different, keeping me on my toes and trying to stay focused. All in all it has been a busy week, lots of rain. That bad storm that was forcast for us didn't really hit. Oh we had some thunder and heavy rain but not the hail and bad winds. We were grateful for that. Looking forward to lots of big tours this week. Hope we survive.
Have to tell you about one day of tours at the Home. We did nine all together that day but the ones I want to share are the three that I did myself. First one was a family with two little girls, one about 2 and the other 6 months. We had started the tour and the little one was crying so they took her out of her car seat and she was wet all the way up her back. So her daddy took her out to change her. He had just gone out the door and there the other little girl stood in a puddle on the kitchen floor. She had wet her pants so out she and her mother went. We had another tour right behind us so I stepped out and let them go on. When they came back I took them through the front door to be ahead of the other group. I knew it would have to be a quick one. The little girl was sooo cute and had to share her necklace, shoes, curly hair, etc., etc., with me. In fact she decided to stay with me when they were leaving. I finally talked her into going with her mother and waved good bye. The next group was a family with an older downs syndrone boy. In the third room he suddenly leaned on the one man and just slid down the wall, passed out. They said he sometimes does this. They insisted I go on with the others and the one man would stay with him. So I did after alerting Elder Wells of the situation. The sisters working with us offered to finish his tour so he could attend to the situation. The young man came to, but they had to help him walk out to the car. Guess all was well. Well, then the third group were from Argentina and the one man did not speak any English. I would say a phrase and the two women would translate so it took quite a while. It was a good tour just a bit tedious and long. All the time I had either the sisters or Dan behind or in front of me with tours. Not sure how I ended up with these. They were good tours, just different, keeping me on my toes and trying to stay focused. All in all it has been a busy week, lots of rain. That bad storm that was forcast for us didn't really hit. Oh we had some thunder and heavy rain but not the hail and bad winds. We were grateful for that. Looking forward to lots of big tours this week. Hope we survive.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Fun times!! This has been a crazy week.
Started out with me at the dentist.
He was doing things for an implant and I was in the chair for 2
hours. Actually it has healed rather
quickly and so that is good. We took our
P-day on Tuesday to give me time to recover and were back to work at the Home
on Wednesday. Wednesday night we had a
singles activity at Brother White’s home.
We built a fire and had hotdogs and S’Mores. Not too many came but it was a special
evening for those that were there. Elder
Sorenson from the Visitor’s Center talked to us and encouraged us to always be
learning no matter our stage in life. It
doesn’t have to be big things, any learning is progressing. It was a very nice evening.
Thursday, Dan was sick and not feeling very perky but we kept
working. We had 2 tour buses of young
people come in. We had two couples and
one companionship of sisters so we divided them up into 5 groups and each of us
took our group all the way through the home.
These young people were prepared and definitely brought the spirit with
them. It was such a special group and we
loved sharing with them. After the tour
they all gathered in front of the home and sang, some of the leaders shared
spiritual stories of the home so it was really an awesome experience. A lot of the young men have their mission
calls and many more are in the process.
As they sang they put their arms around each other and many shed
tears. It was really a close and very
spiritual group, so special. One girl
came to me and asked if she could give me a hug. Of course I take all the hugs I can get.
This is a photo of part of that Youth Group. Great kids!!!
Saturday we had a tour of older people come in and they were fun. Some from Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii,
England and all over the US! They were
fun. We had a companionship of sisters
helping us. One had never been through
the home before or done a tour but she and her companion had practiced and so
they were able to take a group through.
Dad and I each took a group and it was really a good day. Those with the sisters really complimented
them and were amazed that she had only been out in the mission field less than
2 weeks.
We didn’t have to go into the home until later today so came home after
church, had lunch and took a bit of a nap.
We had four tours this afternoon, each special families, so it was a
good day, steady but not too busy. We
are doing great and loving it. Only thing that will make it better is to have
the strawberries come on. I’m ready for
them. The neighbors by the Home have several acres of strawberries so I think
they will become good friends.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
This has been a special week. Wednesday we had a VIP tour with two people from SL Church Offices bringing 5 couples of BIG contributers to the historic sites. They invited us to follow along so that was a special opportunity. They shared some of the stories and history of the home and really didn't do a whole lot different than we do except they added some special things in the revelation room. It truly was an informative and spiritual experience. We truly enjoyed visiting with the people and being a part of this. I guess we get tours like this once in a while so something to look forward to. Another day we drove over to the Cuyahoga National Park and followed some of the Ohio-Erie Canal. We were able to see some of the remnants of the locks, the canals and the tow paths so it was really interesting. One lock is working and they use it for reinactments. Of course it was not working now so will have to go back. I'm posting pictures of some of it.

Canal Water way
Tow Path
They said that three mules could pull boats for 8 hours as the man walked on the Tow Path leading them as the boats traveled through the canals and down the locks. It really was a boon to the industry of the area until the railroad came and also the flood that destroyed most of the canals. We also visited an active beaver pond but they must have all been napping cause we didn't see any but sure was a pretty area.
Today, Sunday we had a tour group call last night and wanted to be at the home today at 5. Better than no notice at all. We were prepared for them. They didn't come until 5:30 and had a group of 65 YSA. It was a good group and we were able to accomodate them. Three other families came in during that time and we just tucked them in with the groups. Then as we were leaving at 6:45 so the Packers could close up at 7, three cars pulled in and they had a tour of 17. Late coming home!!!
It has rained lots this week but really hasn't bothered us as we haven't had to be out in it. Everything sure is green and pretty however.
Canal Lock
Canal Water way
Tow Path
They said that three mules could pull boats for 8 hours as the man walked on the Tow Path leading them as the boats traveled through the canals and down the locks. It really was a boon to the industry of the area until the railroad came and also the flood that destroyed most of the canals. We also visited an active beaver pond but they must have all been napping cause we didn't see any but sure was a pretty area.
It has rained lots this week but really hasn't bothered us as we haven't had to be out in it. Everything sure is green and pretty however.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
This has been a fun week with mostly lots happening. One day we sat all day long with no visitors
and two sets of sister missionaries.
Lots of studying and planning for that day! But the next ones definitely made up for
it. We had 96 visitors one day and 88
the next. It was a continual rotation
with both of us to keep the tours going.
We were tired but it was truly a wonderful time. We think this is the beginning of the summer
busy times and are looking forward to many busy days. It is exciting to visit with people from the
area that are just driving around, see the sign and stop in to see what it is
all about. We love to testify and share
the gospel with them as we tell them about the home and the Johnson family.
This week for our P-day we traveled down to Kidron, Oh. We visited the Smuckers Store and also the
Lehman Store. The Lehman store has any
and everything non electric and you could literally get lost in it. Lots of old stuff to see and lots of other
stuff to buy. We enjoyed both
places. Then stopped at Das Dutchman
Restaurant and had a great lunch. Was a
fun day! I’ve included some pictures of these places.
Dad and his friend at Lehmans
I also posted a photo of the blooming pear trees by the
Johnson Home. They have been so
pretty. All of the flowering trees are
really beautiful and it has been so fun to watch them all come into bloom and all of the trees turned green it seems like overnight. It seems like spring has come and then it has froze for two nights now. Will be in the 80's the rest of the week.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Tour numbers are picking up.
Each day we seem to get a few more.
I think Memorial Day weekend will be a big one and then June is full of
bus tours so we need to enjoy the slow days for now. We had two young people who have their
mission calls come through with their families today and so it was special to
share with them. They both are excited
and ready to go. One day we had two
groups come in at the same time (this happens many times) but one couple was
not members of the church. I explained
to them what it was all about and they said yes they would like to go on the
tour. They had been out driving around,
saw the sign and so decided to come in and see about it. They were really touched as we told of the
conversion of the Johnsons and the story of the tar and feathering. They could not go up stairs so I sat in the
kitchen with them and with a picture book did the upstairs tour. They loved it. As I told them of the appearance of the
Father and the Son to the Prophet Joseph and Sidney, they both did a little
gasp. I bore testimony of prophets and
the restoration and they accepted it all.
They told me they were a little bit acquainted with the Mormons. One young girl they knew was to be baptized. Her
parents didn’t support her at all so this couple went with her to her
baptism. They didn’t want a Book of
Mormon but she said she really wanted to read about Joseph Smith and gladly
took the pamphlet I offered. He said he
would get on the church site for genealogy so I also suggested and
he was excited about that. Hopefully
some seed was planted and they will want to know more. It was truly a very special time with them.
They released our SA sister representative today and put her in as a counselor in the RS. Bummer!!! She has been so excited to work with us in getting activity for the singles so we will miss her but feel that the RS needs her as well. The high councilman from the stake came to visit with us. Seems we are the only ward in the stake to be trying to do anything so he was interested in what we were doing. He left with some ideas to share with other wards and hopefully it will help them as well. Now we just have to get a new, excited representative who will push and follow through. It will happen!!
They released our SA sister representative today and put her in as a counselor in the RS. Bummer!!! She has been so excited to work with us in getting activity for the singles so we will miss her but feel that the RS needs her as well. The high councilman from the stake came to visit with us. Seems we are the only ward in the stake to be trying to do anything so he was interested in what we were doing. He left with some ideas to share with other wards and hopefully it will help them as well. Now we just have to get a new, excited representative who will push and follow through. It will happen!!
This has been the first full week for the Packers and they
have done really well. They picked up on
the tour and other details quickly and have taken hold and gone forth. It has been really good and we love serving
with them. We took our P-day and drove
around the different communities scoping out the different campgrounds, and
hotels/motels so we can update our files.
People are starting to ask us where they can stay and where are good
places to eat. The Packers are working
on the eating side of it. Anyway it was
a fun day, traveled through some new country for us and visited with some
friendly people, even found a new restaurant we liked. Then on the way home we stopped into a little
place, wasn’t sure just what it was.
Turned out it is a little man from Italy who has a bakery. Seems missionaries stop in there from time to
time and he loves to visit and share his bread.
He told me he was giving me a loaf for free but then with a smile said
he would charge me double next time. We
got a loaf of cinnamon bread that was just yummy and we plan to go back for
This weekend was the annual Garrettsville community yard sale. Boy you have never seen the likes, yards and yards and more yards of stuff and lots and lots of people. We did a bit of surfing Saturday morning and it was fun walking up and down the streets, in and out of driveways and garages. Found a couple of things but not much that we were really interested in. It definitely was a big affair. We have another big week planned so will share that with you next week. All of you have a great one.
This weekend was the annual Garrettsville community yard sale. Boy you have never seen the likes, yards and yards and more yards of stuff and lots and lots of people. We did a bit of surfing Saturday morning and it was fun walking up and down the streets, in and out of driveways and garages. Found a couple of things but not much that we were really interested in. It definitely was a big affair. We have another big week planned so will share that with you next week. All of you have a great one.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
This has been an interesting couple of weeks. We were really up in the air because Holtrys
were leaving and the Packers were coming but no one knew just when for
sure. We finally worked it out so
Holtrys worked Thursday morning and then made the final move. It was a very empty feeling when they drove
away and we realized we were alone, really alone here. Then the next afternoon Elder Sorenson guided
the Packers down and we were able to show them the apartment and around
town. They then came on site the next
morning and went through a tour with the sisters and us. I then followed them doing one
themselves. When we had a family of 8
come in from Australia we told them we would follow and help. Well another 3 people came in so we joined
the two groups. Just got a good start and a family
of 7 came so we sent the Packers on ahead by themselves and we took the last
tour. Everything turned out great and so
today when they came to serve we left them and came home. We will stay sort of close but will divide
the shifts this week and we feel they will do fine.
We also had zone conference this past week. We traveled to Youngstown for that. It was really a great conference with lots of
good counsel and teachings. It is so
good to be able to work with the young missionaries. They are so strong and have super testimonies
and are able to teach and help you feel the spirit. Sister Vellinga gave a super talk on the
temple garment and the covenants we make.
He really emphasized the importance of being a good missionary, obedient
and diligent in every way. We also did
role playing trying to involve active families with our investigators. We are excited because we have received two
referrals this past couple of weeks and are able to follow up with them and
refer them to missionaries in their areas.
This is a new thing for us but will be exciting. Also we had a man call the Johnson Home
today and ask if he came over if he could visit with missionaries. We told him we were missionaries and would be
glad to have him come and we would talk with him. Sounds like some missionary work, huh!!!!!
The Packers are from Brigham City and are excited to be
here. Rumor has it that two more couples
will be coming so that is really a boost for us. The Holtrys were sad to leave but are excited
about being in Kirtland as well. Another
day two men from the church offices in SL came with our FM director to check
things out. They arrived just as we were
about to begin a tour so they joined us.
It was a bit intimidating at first but we soon got into it and loved the
tour. They were able to feel the spirit
and complimented us so we felt good about that.
Just a different experience.
The flowering trees have been just gorgeous the past couple
of weeks, just loaded with all colors of blossoms. So Pretty!
The leaves are all out and it has been so nice temperature wise. Then the last couple of days it has turned
off very cold. Our thermometer read 33.5
this morning. We have had clouds and
wind all day and it is cold. However,
they say we will be back up to 70 and 80 by mid week. Will be glad for that, we don’t like this
Monday, May 6, 2013
This week began a bit slow but boy did it end rather wild. We had our P-day on Wednesday, did a few housekeeping things here at home and then decided to visit some of the little shops on the main street of Garrettsville. Ended up at a small antique shop and Dan found a cast iron bell. He has been looking for one for a long time so this excited him. At the checkout the man said he had a larger one at his home so off we went for a look. It was much bigger and of course we went for the big one. Now he has a bell, needs to get it home and it will be hung out on the deck. It has quite the ring so will be heard for some distance. Exciting!!
On Thursday the Holtrys got the news that they were moving and could have the little house that we had left in Kirtland so they got busy and started the move. Their last day here will be Tuesday and we are not sure when the Packers will be arriving so things should be interesting at the Home this week. We had stake conference this weekend. We went to Youngstown for the saturday evening meeting and it was really a special meeting. Great talks and a wonderful spirit. We really enjoyed it. President Kirk is really trying to make the stake great. He is a wonderful man and we enjoy his talks and counsel. Then Sunday it was an area conference broadcast into our ward chapel. The area covers 68 stakes in the northeast and it really was a good conference. Plenty of food for thought between the two meetings.
Sunday afternoon we had a tour of 90 scheduled for 4 so we had the Holtrys and 2 companionships of sisters here ready and waiting. They didn't make it until 5 but we had divided the missionaries into areas and then divided the group into 5 smaller groups and we had them through the tour of the home in just over an hour. This was the first time for us and a big group and we felt really good about it. Won't be so nervous for the next one. The tour group had a guest speaker so they sat on the lawn and he talked to them for another hour. We were finally able to close just after 7 so that was good. We had 103 visitors for the day so it was truly a great day.
I had a young woman come into the home one day. She is not a member but wanted to learn and know more about the church. I was able to give her the tour and answer questions. I also have her name and number so I can keep in contact with her and also refer her to the full time missionaries in her area. She was a special young woman and hopefully she can feel and know and recognize the spirit as it testifies to her. Was a special experience.
We also had a meeting with the Rootstown singles committee and now have planned activities through December. They are excited and determined to make this work. It is fun to watch and be a part of it.
We are not sure just when the Packers will be arriving and we also have zone conference this week so it should be an interesting one. Looking forward to new and great things. We love it.
On Thursday the Holtrys got the news that they were moving and could have the little house that we had left in Kirtland so they got busy and started the move. Their last day here will be Tuesday and we are not sure when the Packers will be arriving so things should be interesting at the Home this week. We had stake conference this weekend. We went to Youngstown for the saturday evening meeting and it was really a special meeting. Great talks and a wonderful spirit. We really enjoyed it. President Kirk is really trying to make the stake great. He is a wonderful man and we enjoy his talks and counsel. Then Sunday it was an area conference broadcast into our ward chapel. The area covers 68 stakes in the northeast and it really was a good conference. Plenty of food for thought between the two meetings.
Sunday afternoon we had a tour of 90 scheduled for 4 so we had the Holtrys and 2 companionships of sisters here ready and waiting. They didn't make it until 5 but we had divided the missionaries into areas and then divided the group into 5 smaller groups and we had them through the tour of the home in just over an hour. This was the first time for us and a big group and we felt really good about it. Won't be so nervous for the next one. The tour group had a guest speaker so they sat on the lawn and he talked to them for another hour. We were finally able to close just after 7 so that was good. We had 103 visitors for the day so it was truly a great day.
I had a young woman come into the home one day. She is not a member but wanted to learn and know more about the church. I was able to give her the tour and answer questions. I also have her name and number so I can keep in contact with her and also refer her to the full time missionaries in her area. She was a special young woman and hopefully she can feel and know and recognize the spirit as it testifies to her. Was a special experience.
We also had a meeting with the Rootstown singles committee and now have planned activities through December. They are excited and determined to make this work. It is fun to watch and be a part of it.
We are not sure just when the Packers will be arriving and we also have zone conference this week so it should be an interesting one. Looking forward to new and great things. We love it.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Well, this has been a week of connections and so fun. Each day has been special and we have loved it. Monday we had the couple from WA that Lynn and Calleen went to Hawaii with. It was fun visiting with them and they expressed their love and respect for the two of them. So fun! Tuesday we had a couple from Orem and their daughter is a room mate of Nikki Gardner from Cleveland. Wednesday it was a couple from Tooele who are in Jon's parents ward. Another young man came in and his sister is married to Holtry's Son. Elder and Sister Palmer brought their just returning daughter and friend in for a tour and that was fun to give them a bit of the insider things. We worked all day Tuesday and Wednesday so we could take Friday and Saturday off to be with my sisters. A week later and that would not have been possible since we will be getting a new couple and the Holtrys are moving to Kirtland. On Thursday we had the BYU Idaho Symphany Band come for a tour. We divided them into three groups and the Holtrys helped us and were able to give them the tour. Afterwards they all gathered in the carriage house and sang a special number just for us. It was amazing, the spirit was so strong, they are such a great group of young people. Was sort of a first scheduled tour for us and we were able to do it. Hopefully the ones coming up will run as smooth.
So it has already been a full week with lots of fun things happening. Then Thursday evening, Aliece, Jeanie, Amy and Nadine came. We had dinner here with the Holtrys as well. The next morning we had them up and on the road about 8, did an all day tour of Kirtland area, the sites, temple, Lake Erie, Chocolate factory, and Nauvoo family market. Got home about 12 hours later, very tired but happy. The next morning took off again about 8 and went down to Dover and the Warther's Museum, toured some little shops, and ate at Der Dutchman's. Then drove back up to Hudson and wandered through the Hudson Cliffs. Again a 12 hour day. Sunday was church, the Johnson Home, Lorenzo Snow home, Necklaces with Sister Holtry and very late to bed. Got up this morning and went to Emma's. Its a little Amish shop with lots of Amish crafts. The girls had to sit on their bags to get them closed but were still able to put a bit more stuff in from Emma's and off to the airport they went. It has truly been a special week with lots of memories, laughs and good times. Amy just likes to scare the shirts off of joggers but we still love her. We appreciate them taking the time to come out and especially their families for sharing. We love you all and are so very grateful for family. Have a great week. Below are a few of the many pictures taken.
BYU Symphany Band
So it has already been a full week with lots of fun things happening. Then Thursday evening, Aliece, Jeanie, Amy and Nadine came. We had dinner here with the Holtrys as well. The next morning we had them up and on the road about 8, did an all day tour of Kirtland area, the sites, temple, Lake Erie, Chocolate factory, and Nauvoo family market. Got home about 12 hours later, very tired but happy. The next morning took off again about 8 and went down to Dover and the Warther's Museum, toured some little shops, and ate at Der Dutchman's. Then drove back up to Hudson and wandered through the Hudson Cliffs. Again a 12 hour day. Sunday was church, the Johnson Home, Lorenzo Snow home, Necklaces with Sister Holtry and very late to bed. Got up this morning and went to Emma's. Its a little Amish shop with lots of Amish crafts. The girls had to sit on their bags to get them closed but were still able to put a bit more stuff in from Emma's and off to the airport they went. It has truly been a special week with lots of memories, laughs and good times. Amy just likes to scare the shirts off of joggers but we still love her. We appreciate them taking the time to come out and especially their families for sharing. We love you all and are so very grateful for family. Have a great week. Below are a few of the many pictures taken.
Whitney Story
Hudson Ledges
Aliece & Amy - Hudson Ledges
John Johnson Home
Lorenzo Snow Home
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Well, the big news this week is that we have a new bishopric. Today was our ward conference and Bp William
Mars and his counselors were released.
His second counselor, Brother Bowers was sustained as the new bishop
with Brother Marler and Brother Dan Mars as counselors. They are all younger brethren and very much
the go getters and we feel they will be a strong bishopric. We are looking
forward to great things. Bp Mars has
been a good Bishop and very supportive of us as missionaries. A great family!
We are trying to get things going with the singles and today we got good
news that gives us encouragement. The stake
said that none of the other wards are trying to do anything and so was excited
that we were doing some things. They
have offered encouragement and help and this has got our singles representative
excited and ready to go for it. We do
have an ice cream social planned for May 1 so hopefully the singles will want
to join us. Just good to see some things
beginning to happen.
Saturday the ward had a fund raiser for the youth programs. It was a spaghetti supper and pie
auction. However, it was more than pies;
some really neat things were up for auction.
It was a fun evening, and the food was good. The young people served everyone and then
they had the auction. We finally bid on
some little alien cupcakes and shared them with some of the kids at our table
and also the missionary sisters.
However, we also bid on a basket containing some homemade apple pie
filling, a bottle of apple sauce and a bottle of grape juice. It also had the makings for apple crisp, a
glass dish, hot pads and some utensils. Thought
that was a good buy for only $40. I also
took two loaves of my Amish bread and they sold for $22 each. There was lots of laughing and just a fun
evening. Guess they raised about $3000
for the youth programs.
This week was also transfer week.
We had over 39 missionaries come in and 3 sisters (not sure how many
elders) go home so Pres. Valinga has had his hands full trying to get everyone
placed. We did get one new one in the
Rootstown ward, Sister Johnson from California.
Not sure where all the others went but it has been some arranging to get
housing and transportation for all of them.
We were so sorry to hear of Kyle’s passing. We truly extend our love and prayers for Ruth
Anne and her girls. How blessed we are
to have the gospel in our lives and the understanding that we have of the
eternities, to know that life goes on and we will be reunited with our loved
We took another ride this week for our p-day and ended up at the Hudson
Cliffs. It is an amazing rock
outcropping that you can hike down and around and through it all. It was a beautiful, warm day and we just
really enjoyed being out hiking around and enjoying the fresh air and the
beauties of nature. We had been told not
to miss the Nelson Cliffs so we came back and went there to compare. They were nice but we liked the ones at
Hudson the best. Then Thursday we
served at the home all day and it was 80 degrees. Wow, such a nice day…..and then it
dropped. Friday it rained and the wind
blew and it was only in the 40’s. Then
Saturday it snowed and was even colder.
This morning our thermometer read 22 degrees. Some of the big flowering trees got their blossoms
frozen and the daffodils were drooped.
Hopefully the fruit trees were not out far enough to damage. But now it is in the 40’s and sunny and very
nice. What a change! Below are a couple of pictures of the Hudson Cliffs.
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